Dec 29, 2009

Assignment 9:New Year Reflections and Hopes

This year is a very important year for me because I was senior in high school and would be a freshman in university since July. This is a big change for me.
In February, I took a big test that would decide which college I would go. I was confident about going to NTU. Because of that, I was very sad when I knew I didn't get in.
But one slang said:" When one door was closed, the other will be opened.".In May, I get a permission to go to NTUST.
In September, I began my freshman life. Because I stayed in girl school for six years and now I just in a school where boys is more than girl, I had a little bit couldn't be used to it. But I open my mind and try to make some friends and I found some interesting differences between boys and girls. I also opened my eyes to this strange but prosperous city by visiting many places.
Now, 2009 will pass soon. I remember every thing happened in this year. I am in a good university that everyone said so, I make a group of good friends that almost like a family, I also learn how to live by myself. Some friends from high school said that I'm look more confidant and joyful. That's the gift I got this year by changing and, I think, some luck.
2010 is coming, I still have lots of things I want to do. In addition to pass all the subjects, I also want to be USA exchanging student. I always want to study abroad. I also hope to meet my Mr.R.
Hope everyone's wishes will come true.

Dec 28, 2009

Assignment8: ESL Podcast 528 – Negotiating Salary

The new words I learn:

1.budget constraint:預算限制
e.q:Whatever you buy, the price should be in budget constraint.

e.q:The job is hard but the compensation is good.

e.q:Peace negotiations are still going on.


The teacher in this Podcast is very slow that you can totally hear and understand every words he said.

Nov 24, 2009

Assignment7: Steve Job's 2005 Stanford Commencement Address

The speech is about the experience of Steve's life. No one can walk through their lives smoothly. Like his three stories.
The first story is about his studying expression. He dropped out of college, but he learned what interest him and designed Mac. The second story is love and loss. He was got fire from apple, but he made NeXT and Pixar. He even said that he got a cancer in the last story.
Life can't be perfect. But when we close one door. God will open another for us.

Nov 19, 2009

Assignment6: Randall's Cyber Listening Lab

1.College Majors---Getting a University Degree
This one is medium, and my listening grade is 40%:
1.They are in the classroom by the sentence:Woman: "I'll tell Mr. Jones you said hello, and maybe we can study together at my house?"
2.The Woman have to start paying the loans after gratuading.
3.She hopes to have interviews with different companies soon cause she said she was trying to line up a few interviews at the job fair next month.
The words I learn are:
1.bat around (idiom): 不同的選擇(無論優缺)
- My daughter batted around a few ideas on where to travel over the holidays until she settled on Hawaii.
2.line up (phrasal verb): 安排
- I need to line up an appointment with my school advisor by the end of the week.
3.bad-mouth (idiom): 批評
- He always bad-mouths people behind their backs. If you have anything to say about people, it's best to say it to their faces.
4.sermon (noun): 說教
- The minister gave an interesting sermon at church this past week about serving others in need.

2.Weekly Activities
    This one is medium, and my listening grade is 60%:
1.The girl need to write a paper on Monday by the setence:Father:"don't you have an essay due in your English class on Tuesday?"
2.The girl have to clean the garage on Saturday by the setence:Father:" ......we have to clean out the garage. You said you'd help. "

The words I learn are:
1.geometry (noun):座標平面
- My daughter is taking geometry in junior high school now.
2.vault (noun): 保險庫
- The millionaire kept all his valuable coins, paintings, and jewelry in a secret vault in his house.
3.spare (verb): give up carefully
- My son needed money to fix his care, but I could only spare $200 since I didn't have much money either.

After listening these two section, I found that the phrases or idioms came from Randall's Cyber Listening Lab all be used in normal life, not in formal.

Nov 10, 2009

Assignment5: Studio Classroom 10/22,23 Listening

Day/Date Time Begin Time ended
22/10th Nov. 11:00 11:37
23/10th Nov. 11:37 12:02
Program/Station/Title:Decorating for the Holidays

Your Notes:
1.At Easter, people decorate their trees in the yard with colorful eggs.
2.DIY=do-it –yourself
3.In America, people have BBQ. In the Summer, some people take a trip to the cabin in the mountain to go fishing or go to the beach. In 4th July, people celebrate Independent day by eating and watching fireworks show together. In the Fall, they watch or play football, they also burn fire and cook some food.
4.People have decorating contest for the Holidays and others can buy ticket to visit the neighborhoods. The money can be donated to the people in need.
1…….if you ask me=……in my opinion the mood:有…氣氛
3.During the Winter in America, people go ski and sledding. Children love to play snowball fight and make a snowman. The Thanksgiving in November, people would eat together and watch football game after eating.

Oct 20, 2009

Assignment4: Big vs. Large

1.Large is more formal than Big and should be used in writing unless it is in an information style.

2.Large is not usually used in discribing people, except to avoid saying "fat".

3.Large is more exaggerative than Big.

4.Big is used in square measure, volume, quantity and level;Large is only used in quantity.

5.Big also can means something very important. But Large only means something wide.

Oct 15, 2009

Assignment3: Studio Classroom 10/16 words

English:a small picture that represents a computer user in a game, on the Internet, etc.
e.q:She chose a penguin as her personal avatar in the chat room.

English:the act of presenting or describing a person or thing in a particular way
e.q:We discussed the representation of women in Jane Austen's novels.

3.interact (+with)
English: to act together : to come together and have an effect on each other
e.q:When these two drugs interact (with each other), the results can be deadly.

Oct 4, 2009

Assignment2:Dictionary Exercise---Olympic Sport

English:a person who rides horses, especially as a job or very skilfully
ex:Jack was fallen from the horse's back during the equestrian.

English: a race in which runners or horses have to jump over hurdles
ex:His horse fell at the hurdles.

English:an athletic event in which people compete by trying to throw a heavy metal ball (called a shot) as far as possible
ex:Her arm hurt when she played shot-put.

English: a sport in which athletes are judged on how well they perform various physical exercises on a mat or on special equipment
ex:She won an Olympic gold medal in gymnastics.

English: a game in which a light feathered object (called a shuttlecock) is hit over a net by players using light rackets
ex:We played badminton in the P.E class.

English:the art or sport of shooting arrows with a bow
ex:I was good at playing archery.

English:the sport of fighting with long thin swords
ex:I did a bit of fencing while I was at college.

8.Martial Arts
English:a sport that is a traditional Japanese or Chinese form of fighting or defending yourself
ex:My brother learns martial arts once a week.

9.Water Polo
English:a game that is played in water by two teams of swimmers who try to score by throwing a ball into a goal
ex:Water polo isn't allowed in normal public swimming pool.

English: an event in which people compete by trying to throw a javelin farther than everyone else
ex:There's a lot of skill in javelin throwing.

Sep 28, 2009

Self Introductioin

Hello! My name is Diana Wang. I am the student from Department Of Computer Science And Information Engineering and I graduated from Taichung Stella Matuttina Girl High School.
I am interested in movie and music. I watch every kinds of movie but most I like is science fiction movies. I think the special fiction is so cool! Maybe that is why I choose this department. Besides, I love singing and dancing, too. I like Rock'n Roll and one of my dreams during the university is going on stage and singing with my band. I like dancing Hip-Hop, but I want to learn something more like Cha-Cha or Latin. Of course! I look forward to learn everything I want to know.
I'm excited about my life in university.